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    Javascript - Kodstandard

    1. Guidlines

    1.1 Naming conventions

    Use camelCase when naming variables, objects, functions, and instances.


    const OBJEcttsssss = {};
    const this_is_my_object = {};
    var my_name = "";
    function c() {}



    const thisIsMyObject = {};
    function thisIsMyFunction() {}
    var myName = "";

    1.2 Blocks

    Use braces with all blocks and put else on the same line as your if block’s closing brace.


    if( someVar )
    name = someVar;
    name = "Test";



    if (someVar) {
    name = someVar;
    } else {
    name = "Test";

    2. Recommendations

    Editor preferences:
    • Use soft-tabs set to two spaces.
    • No tabs allowed.
    • Trim trailing white space on save.
    • Set encoding to UTF-8.
    • Add new line at end of files.